Welcome to our little trek


Hi I’m Kirsty, the creator behind our feed, Blogs, interviews & delish recipes. Loving wife to my partner Brent and fur baby mum to our dog Alfie. We started our trekking journey back in August 2018. Embarking on an adventure travelling our breathtaking backyard, Australia. Converting our coaster Old Salty, into our first little home on wheels. Travelling for just over 1 year along Australia’s finest coastlines. Bringing you our trekking journal. Including coaster life tips, tricks & all of the bumps along the way.

This journey continued to open our hearts & minds. Inspiring me to continue to bring you all a refreshing wide range of content. Delving into health, wellness & environmental awareness. Discussing topics such as minimalism, faith & mumma nature. Through to ethical lifestyle movement & simple, tasty plant based recipes.

As we draw our coaster adventure to an end, I am excited to continue bringing you my passions that bring me joy & light. Speaking with like minded business & individuals. Delivering a variety of interviews & insights. Whichever way we trek, I am eager to connect with you all. As we slow down, simplify, explore, give back and create beautiful content, that we hope will inspire you all.



I was blessed to have an upbringing travelling as a young girl. Venturing with a family of five to amazing coastlines throughout Australia as a teen and learning from a young age how beautiful this lifestyle can be. These experiences left a wild spirit of freedom and a thirst for adventure running in my blood. Fast forward a few years and I am lucky enough to repeat this journey with my own little family. Aside from travel, my soul also sings for anything surrounded by nature, the ocean, plant based living, music, art, dance, animals, photography and simply beautiful company.




Hi my name is Brent. I started my travels as a young fellow with a handful of my close mates over seas, in London. Moving through France, Belgium, Spain and Portugal on a European surf trip. The experience of new cultures and locations were all amazing eye openers. Memories I will treasure for life. These experiences have always left a strong spark alive, to one day embark on a journey, once again, on my own home soil. While enjoying my loves of surfing, fishing, music, good food and simple living. Soaking up each moment.  




Over a few years in preparation to departure day, curve balls were hitting both of us left, right and centre. Firstly, with Brent unfortunately breaking his ankle one day in the ocean. His recovery was slow and painful, as most breaks are. A long stretch of healing was in store for him.

I myself had been battling health concerns on and off, leading up to the trips launch. Using several specialists to try and resolve these challenges. Then an accident one day left me on a long stretch of recovery. I fainted in the rough waters edge of the ocean, after a large run during a hot summers morning. Alone, on a secluded beach, I was spotted and rescued by a small handful of people who were lucky to be close enough to me. As unbelievable as it may sound, two of the rescuers were a married couple who were both ex life guards, while the other rescuer was an off guard ambulance paramedic. True angels crossed my path that day…After a decent period of unconsciousness I was rushed to emergency.

The recovery was long and challenging on many levels. Taking over six months to gain memory loss and to recover my health. However, I am truly so blessed for the experience… One passion of mine that was refueled during my recovery was gaining more knowledge within the health and wellness field. Not to mention most importantly, as cliché as it may sound, the passion and gratitude to the life I still have, really seems that whole lot sweeter.

Apart from our recovery periods, several months of renovation trials and delays were among the challenges involved. But we eventually accomplished our goals and were finally ready to depart on our big trip together.  



So here we are. At the right place and the right time. Connecting with you all. We both believe that you really can only plan so much in life, the rest is meant to be. So lets just be…

We hope this website can perhaps spark your inner travel bug or helps to inspire you with health, wellness and ethical lifestyle tips and tricks for your trek ahead.

Happy trekking.


PEACE X Kirsty, Brent and Alfie